As of now my home range in plantsville, CT (bell city rifle club) would only be able to support a score match (or an honor system group match, and I don't know how well that would go). I am trying to get a feel for what sort of interest there is out there for 'local' matches. I have had a very generous offer from a member here to come down and show me the ropes on how to run a match. I will say that I fully intend to get out of state for a match as often as I can, and look forward to meeting some of the folks that have been so generous with their information here. After reading the replies to a previous post of mine (many thanks to those with match info in the surrounding area), and, realizing that with a 2year old and one on the way it would be quite difficult to get a whole weekend away for shooting on any regular basis, I have decided to try to put together a match in CT.